
Create an out-of-office rule

Select the File > Manage Rules & Alerts. In the Rules and Alerts dialog box, on the E-mail Rules tab, click New Rule. Under Start from a blank rule, click Apply rule on messages I receive and click Next. To reply to every email message you receive, leave the Step 1 and Step 2 boxes unchanged and click Next again. Select Yes when Outlook asks you if you want to apply this rule to all messages. Under What […]

Automatic Replies button (out-of-office) option not showing in outlook

If you don’t see the Automatic Replies button, follow the steps to use rules to send an out of office message. Create an out-of-office template In Outlook, create a new email message. Enter a subject and message body for your out-of-office template. Select File > Save As. Give your template a name and in the Save as type drop-down, select Outlook Template (*.oft). You […]

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