webmail outlook

webmail outlook is Free Email Provider by Microsoft. We can create our account to https://outlook.live.com and can use their free or paid services.

Using Office Web Apps

Office Web Apps extend the Microsoft Office programs you already know—Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote—with the added benefits of anywhere-access and easy sharing. The document looks the same in the browser as it does in the Office desktop app. Office Web Apps also allow you to edit documents in the browser, using the familiar look and feel of Office.

Create a file with Office Web Apps

  1. On the Home page, under Team Site, click the icon for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or OneNote.

A new browser window opens and you are prompted to type a name for the new file.

  1. Type a file name and click OK.

Office Web Apps opens and you can start editing your file.

When you save the document, it is automatically saved up to the team site. Later, when you want to view or edit the document, go to the team site to access it. Your fellow team members can access it from the team site as well.

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